3 Days in Prague – Itinerary & Tips

3 Days in Prague

A beautiful city with a mix of historical buildings dating back to the medieval times and modern landmarks that bring the city to life at night.  It was never on my list as a must-go destination but to be honest, I am so happy I got to visit the Bohemian gem.  I found a great deal that had a 3-day layover from Toronto to Hong Kong back in 2014 and took advantage to see the Czech capital.  After I booked my ticket, I started researching online on the must-sees and must-eats.  After hours, I came up with my own itinerary for 3 days in Prague, which is hopefully helpful for you as well.  If you’re looking for an itinerary that is not too packed but still enough to see the different things the city has to offer, look no further – just read on!

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